
4 Simple Yet Influential Tricks for Crafting Persuasive Ad Copy

A quick question – in order to grow your business online, what is the most crucial thing?

You got that right; it’s traffic!

And the fastest method to drive more traffic for the majority of online businesses is through advertising.

Online advertising is a game of inches. Even the slightest shift in your ad response rate can spark a substantial boost in your overall profitability. When giving away multiple dollars to digital advertising platforms such as Google and Facebook, you must also make sure to craft an excellent ad copy that can genuinely drive and convince the viewers.

In this blog post, we will discuss four simple yet influential tricks for crafting persuasive ad copies to help you get the most out of your advertising efforts and boost your return on investment.

1. Tell Ad Viewers How You Will Fix Their Problem

The biggest yet most common mistake that the majority of the businesses make is that while writing ad titles, they start and stop at connecting keywords. After all, this is the first thing a user will see when they come across your ad.

Although including the keywords you are bidding on within your ad is crucial for Quality Score when all the other brands (including your competitors) are using the same keywords, your ads don’t really stand out and fail to capture much attention.

In order to stick out, your ad title should reflect the ad viewer’s ultimate objective.

Let’s face the truth; users click ads not because the ad includes all the right keywords but because it promises to help fix their issues.

Prior to making an ad, consider what the audience on the other side wants to achieve and how your ad’s title can help satisfy their need.

Let’s understand this better by taking a look at an example: When you search for the keyword “sell books,” the first ad that pops up reads “Sell Your Books for Cash – Compare prices from 45 websites.”

Besides publishers and writers, most users performing this search query will probably be readers and students who want quick cash in exchange for their old books.

Look at the first ad’s title again; it focuses on this exact goal – “Sell Your Books for Cash.”

The ad is not trying to push the quality or features of their service unnecessarily. Instead, it conveys to the searchers that they can instantly use their service to receive quick cash in exchange for their old books – which is their end goal or ultimate objective.

Try to implement this in your own ad copy, too – focus on the end-solution that promises to resolve the viewer’s problems.

2. Add Emotional Triggers

While some people may be performing searches with the ultimate objective in mind, usually, people casually browse the web to obtain information or find the solutions and services that are available in the market for a potential problem they might face sooner or later.

For such type of audience, you need to prompt them into taking the desired action. One of the many ways to do this is by using emotional triggers.

Why? It’s simply because customers don’t just make decisions on the basis of logic only; their decisions are driven by emotions as well, to a great extent.

If users feel a powerful emotional response (like anger, fear, or excitement) upon reading something, they are going to click through.

To understand this better, let’s take a look at some examples. Suppose you own a gym and create an ad mentioning all the features and qualities of your gym such as the equipment, number of trainers, 24 hours open, less crowd, etc. You make your ad live. But you notice that your competitors are also using a similar ad format, i.e., highlighting their services’ features. So now this makes it harder for your ad to stand out from your competitors’ ad and vice versa. Basically, the only thing distinguishing your and competitors’ ad is the location, prices, and names of your respective gyms.

While such ads might work in situations where there is limited competition, for the majority of the keywords, these will harmonize with other ads.

On the other hand, let’s take another example of a cosmetic surgeon ad that reads “Look Younger & Feel Good.” Now, this ad works wonders. The reason behind it is that it addresses the single major problem that any person seeking cosmetic surgery faces – that they start looking older and no longer feel great about themselves.

By calling attention to how cosmetic surgery will help the patient, i.e., “look younger and feel good,” this ad triggers a better emotional reaction in comparison to other ads that just highlight the advanced equipment used, qualification of surgeons, and other features.

Take a look at some tips to include emotional triggers in your ad copy:

  • Find out your target audience
  • Ascertain the specific persona you want to adopt to appeal to that particular group of audience
  • Create an emotional ad copy from that particular persona

However, remember to be cautious about offsetting this reaction with the rest of your message as you do not want people to correlate your brand with any negative emotion. Instead, you need to focus on dealing with the concern or fear.

3. Focus on Benefits, Not Features

You must have got a pretty good idea of how to write an ideal ad headline by now. This brings us to the body of your ad.

When it comes to creating your ad body, do not waste your precious (and limited) space and time by telling viewers about the incredibleness of your brand. Instead, spur them into action by telling them how your brand or product/service will enhance their lives.

Another crucial point to note is that your ad should be personal (use “you” wherever possible), and it should be able to exhibit how your services can benefit people.

Let’s take two examples of pet insurance ads.

  • ABC Pet Insurance

Save 5% When You Sign Up Online! Cut Costs Without Cutting Coverage. Works with any licensed vet…

  • XYZ Pet Insurance – USA’s Most Trusted

Visit Today for Your Free Pet Insurance Quote! Save Big with VPI. Insure Your Pet Today…

In the first example, the ad focuses on the benefits by stating in its copy the amount customers will save (5%) on signing up online, that they can cut costs without cutting coverage (using ‘you’), and that the insurance plan works with any licensed vet (shows convenience).

In contrast, the other ad comes out as vague as it states “save big” but that doesn’t clarify how much exactly? Besides, the ad copy states, “visit today,” which is again pointless to mention if users are searching for you already, which means they are interested. So that is basically just a waste of ad space, which could have been used to state something beneficial.

However, if you still find it challenging to differentiate or state benefits in a limited space, you can utilize psychology to drive conversions, which we are going to discuss in the next point.

4. Implement FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

That’s right; the fear of missing out can act as a catalyst to drive visitors to your website.

Loss aversion is actual psychological power, and utilizing it within your ads is a simple way to get more conversions.

One of the easiest means to implement this in your online ads is to use real-time countdown timers. For example, use “sale ends in 3 hours” in your ad copy.

The reason behind why these ads work is that people naturally are more stimulated by the idea of losing something out than gaining it. Therefore, by introducing time limits in your ad, more users tend to click through.

Moreover, scarcity acts as a powerful driving force and works wonders in the psychology of persuasion. So, in this case, by displaying that the sale is ending soon, you are actually creating a sense of scarcity, which pushes people to take action.

Wrapping It Up

With online competition getting more fierce day by day, creating persuasive ads is a vital tool to get more conversions. Plus, considering the fact that online ads are one of the most effective tools for driving traffic for most businesses today, it makes it even more crucial to get the most out of your efforts.

Even though it will require you some time along with practice to master this art, implementing these above tactics will surely help you be ahead of your competitors and maximize your conversions.