
How Are Zero-Click Searches Affecting Your SEO Strategy?

As a business owner or SEO professional, there are numerous things you have to take care of to ensure the success of your strategy. But has it ever occurred to you if zero-click searches impact your overall SEO strategy?  To understand this, first, we need to get a bit of clarity on zero-click searches and […]


The Ultimate Guide to Disavowing Links

Backlinks are undoubtedly one of the most important ranking factors, and this contributes to the typical feeling of uncertainty that encompasses the management of backlinks. Skip the discussion over the morality of obtaining backlinks. What about getting rid of them? Should SEO professionals bother about disavowing links? Contrary to some topics, Google has been quite […]


The Ultimate Guide To Advanced Image & Alt Text Optimization To Drive More Traffic

When it comes to Image SEO, the first thing that pops up in our mind is optimizing the alt texts, but it goes far beyond that. Image Optimization is one of the most neglected aspects of SEO, but it does not have to remain like that. The problem is no one talks about it in […]


An Introduction To Link Building & Its Importance

The aspect of SEO and Link Building is ever-changing, and today, building high-quality links is more important now than ever. To compete and thrive online, understanding and implementing high-quality campaigns is vital. This scenario isn’t changing anytime soon. In this blog, we are going to discuss all link building and its importance. Whether you are […]

Digital Marketing SEO

SEO vs. PPC: Which One Should You Choose?

There are two ways to generate traffic. First is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and second is PPC (Pay-Per-Click). If you are unable to decide between which one of these two should you choose to make your business successful, think again. Do you really need to choose? Digital Marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all type. Your strategy will […]


Know the 5 Powerful SEO Content Types To Grow Your Business

Targeted, optimized, and engaging SEO friendly content is what sets apart the leading brand from the rest of the competition. The merging of SEO with content has already occurred, and next, we’re moving towards convergence with digital. While this evolution was yet under progress, a global pandemic swept in accelerating the digital transformation overnight. Now […]


How To Do Keyword Research For SEO: The Ultimate Guide

Among the regular algorithm updates that Google keeps rolling out, one thing that has remained constant for inbound marketers is the need to optimize their websites for search engines. And one of the most effective ways to do it is by conducting keyword research. Although, performing keyword research is still a necessity just like it […]


Is Keyword Cannibalization Suppressing Your Website’s SEO Rankings?

Keyword cannibalization happens to be one of the most misunderstood concepts of SEO. There are several myths and confusions about this, and some say that it does not even exist! However, this is not the case at all. Keyword cannibalization is responsible for suppressing the SEO rankings of many websites. It does exist, but it […]


Link Building Strategies 2020: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Backlinks are essential for websites to rank well and there are dozens of ways to get backlinks or inbound links for your website. Some ways are pretty easy as well as quick, while some are pretty challenging and time-consuming. Different people have diverse perceptions about link building, and many are unsure what makes a backlink […]