How to Build a High-Converting Email Funnel?

No matter what type of business you own and within what industry, you need constant sales. To run a business smoothly, you require consumers who do not just buy once or twice from you, but who come back often for more. In a nutshell, your business needs those valuable prospects on your side.
Although being able to sell your products or services can be tricky, especially when you got big goals. As the owner of a business, you have control over most of the areas, except for unpredictable customers. These are the ones who can give you a tough time.
Influencing customers is the only way to gain complete control over your business, and for that, the most effective method is to build a high-converting email funnel. With a powerful email funnel, you will be able to obtain more leads for conversion into sales while keeping the existing customers engaged.
What is an Email Funnel?
The term “Email Funnel” won’t be new for many businesses. Either they have applied it in some way or came across one themselves. Email Funnel also goes by other names like autoresponder series, follow-up email sequence, lead nurturing funnel, and automated funnel: different names but the same purpose.
An email funnel is nothing but a representation of how a customer moves through a sales pitch. It refers to the series of emails that help your prospects approach a specific goal/most wanted action.
However, every email funnel has one particular goal in common – to encourage their leads in the best possible manner so that they easily move through the top until the end of the funnel. The idea is to provide enough value to the prospects at each funnel stage to prevent them from leaving before they hit the buy button.
5 Steps to Create a High-Converting Email Funnel
When it comes to growing your business and widening your reach, Email is the key, hands down. You can leverage email marketing by creating an efficient email funnel which will ultimately help you achieve your business goals easily.
Have a look at these five simple steps to create a solid email funnel that will let you convert more leads into sales.
Plan your customer’s journey
The ultimate purpose behind your email funnel is crucial, and having a clear idea of it will help you to make sure you are getting the required outcome. So figure out why exactly do you want to build an email funnel?
Like others, if you also want to grow your business, then the purpose of your email funnel will be to get more sales. To achieve that, you will need a reliable working system that can nurture your leads for a while and convert them into loyal customers automatically.
Be practical on the fact that most of the leads that you are going to add to your email funnel will not be willing to buy from you in the first place. It will be your efforts that will convert them slowly. When you establish a solid email funnel, the overall cost of obtaining leads decreases because you will be converting them via a precise nurturing procedure.
Before proceeding to create an email funnel, try to figure your customer’s journey. Right from the time, they will come across your offer till they actually decide about investing in it.
Having a better clarity of your customer’s lifecycle and how they will be moving through the funnel will be an added advantage.
The idea is to connect with customers who haven’t bought any of your products yet and to encourage them until they finally make a purchase. On the basis of your customer’s journey, design your funnel, and try to keep it minimalistic.
Start writing a series of welcome emails
How you start your Email decides how many are going to stay and leave. With a compelling series of welcome emails, you can keep your audience interested and establish the pace for your future emails.
For instance, your series of welcome emails can be like:
- Email 1 – Provide relevant information regarding the content of emails they will be receiving from you and its frequency.
- Email 2 – Discuss your journey. How you built this company and how it reached here today – struggles, failures, and success.
- Email 3 – Express what your company stands for and believes in.
- Email 4 & 5 – Provide them great content that they can put to use straight away.
- Email 6 & 7 – Talk about the challenges your customers face and then tell them how your product/service can help ease it.
Create a relevant lead magnet
A lead magnet is basically a bonus that you will be using to add more people to your email funnel. Therefore, it has the power to make it or break it. Many marketers tend to complicate the whole lead magnet thing when, in reality, it is nothing but a simple trick. To decide the right lead magnet, you can break it down into these simple questions –
- What exactly does your target audience require or want?
- What type of solutions are they seeking?
- What is the essence of their problems?
- How is your offer going to make their life better?
- Why should they be interested in your offer?
Once you get clarity on these above questions, you will be able to decide on the type of your lead magnet. Remember, in the end; you want them to take a step closer to your product/service, which is why the lead magnet must be related to it while adding value in their life.
By the time you reach this step, you would have made peace with the fact that new visitors will not have enough confidence in you to give their personal information. However, in this case, lead magnets can do magic. With the free valuable information you will provide with the lead magnets, they will be convinced to give their information in exchange for the offer. Lead magnets can be in various formats such as ebooks, videos, or podcasts, which means you will never run out of ideas.
You can also start surveying your audience by asking the relevant questions because your lead magnets must match your target audience’s main purpose.
Connecting to your new customers
Just having an email funnel that converts your leads into sales is not enough. You need to go beyond that by connecting to your new customers.
As mentioned earlier, you need to have loyal customers who don’t just buy from you once, but who comes back for more. This can only be possible if you create a powerful onboarding series of emails for people who have purchased your product. As soon as you get a sale, make sure you please your customers.
These emails are essential to avoid refunds and ensure that your customers are happy with your after-service too. Keeping your customers engaged post-sale is necessary.
Connecting with the non-buyers
A lot of companies miss the golden opportunity by neglecting their non-buyers. Non-buyers are people who have not bought your product yet, but they have shown interest in it. Therefore, talk to them about the reasons that are stopping them from purchasing from you. You have nothing to lose in this and everything to gain.
By connecting with them, you can gain feedback about the areas where your brand is lagging. Gather the feedback and try to make considerable enhancements. You might end up converting them into sales or at least preventing them from leaving the funnel.
Start building your profitable email funnel
Now with all this knowledge about building a profitable email funnel, you are all set to go. Start creating it. You may need to tweak the steps a bit because you know what’s best for your business. Whatever you do, make sure you do it the right way. We hope this information is useful to you. Let us know your opinions regarding this via the comments below.