
In-Person Marketing to Social Media Events: How to Adapt to the Change?

End of in-person communication due to the ongoing global outbreak has forced many marketers to adapt and implement innovative methods to keep their in-person marketing events going. Nowadays, most nations are following social distancing to prevent potential health risks, and this has affected the whole world’s business landscape.  

Every kind of travel related to any non-essential activities is prohibited in most countries where the lockdown is on. Now offices have been closed, people are locked at home, all gatherings are prohibited, and event or meetings are terminated.  

It is not a time to give up, but a situation to adopt new changes to make sure that your business doesn’t get demolished due to social distancing. You still have a lot of ways to carry on your in-person marketing meetings. Keep in mind that all is not lost yet and you still have pretty decent time to carry on your pending in-person events with the help of technology.  

In this guide, you will learn how to adapt or continue your in-person marketing events on social media. Let’s dive in.  

  1. Find a Perfect Opportunity

Before initiating a power-packed marketing event on social media, you should study the situations, issues, needs and queries of your target audience or customers. After that, you should find a perfect opportunity to launch your campaign in front of your existing or potential clients.  

These days we know that what people are looking for as they are facing one of the most terrible situations of their life. In your event, if you talk about the things that not involves any account of ongoing crises, then you are actually wasting your time, and it won’t make a powerful impact.

You can take a social media survey from your audience to what they actually need from your brand or what they want to know. Once you get the idea about they want it might be a totally different topic from what you have planned before. After that, you should try to launch your virtual live event on the planned date and time.

  1. Create Hashtags for Your Event

The particular hashtags are an incredible method to boost brand awareness, reach of your posts, and create hype for your upcoming events. Your hashtags should be relevant, catchy and descriptive. They should easily recognize for the event you are scheduling. They also promote your upcoming events when you use event name and year in it.  

A hashtag that has event date, name and time are also summarized your goal in a quick glimpse for your audience. Your users would be able to easily find your event on the date by using the hashtags that you share with them along with your posts.

  1. Create and Increase Hype

Your event will be only fruitful if an apt number of relevant people attends it, and this will only happen when you encourage people to attend your event. You need to create hype among your target audience that they will not want to miss it at any cost.  

You have to create an interest in your anticipating event so that people would be tempted to see it. Keep in mind that you need to work really hard to promote your event on every major platform where your audience is active be it your official site, social platforms or app.  

  1. Organize a Live Stream

As you can’t meet people in a social gathering, you can still set up live streaming for your event on a social media channel. People will be able to see your face and listen to what you want to tell them in real-time. Facebook, Instagram and other platforms provide private broadcasting methods for testing if everything goes well on the final event day. This will help you make adjustments and improvements to your live streaming on the event day so that people can listen and see you without any issues.