Is SEO Copywriting Still Important?

SEO always manages to create lots of confusion, and that is the one thing that we can say about SEO with absolute surety.
For instance, it looks like a lot of people formed their image of SEO about a decade ago, and they haven’t bothered changing it ever since with the advancements. Even the SEO pros with years of experience seem to have no idea about the modern-day best SEO practices.
Now before moving forward, let’s first answer the question that the blog heading has put forth – is SEO copywriting still important? Yes, it absolutely is.
Let’s see why.
Search Continues to Be the Only Game in Town
Choose any survey you like, and you’ll see that search continues to be one of the top activities on the web and has been for over the last ten years. Moreover, studies show that after email, the search is the second most common activity on the internet, and this has been the case for generations.
Internet users make hundreds of thousands of unique searches every month, and unlike the random scrolling on Facebook, these searchers are in more of a focus mode. In simple words, if you compare these people with the majority of online traffic, you will realize that they are the most motivated ones visiting your website.
If they are searching for a product/service, they probably want to purchase it. If they are looking for information and your website is offering it, there is a good chance that these visitors will be converted into subscribers.
And if you are a web content writer, whether working with an agency or as a freelancer, this is an utterly theoretical discussion. Try explaining to your client that they shouldn’t care about Google traffic, and we all know how this conversation will go.
Therefore it’s pretty clear that search traffic is crucial provided that it is “targeted.” Let’s discuss the factors that comprise today’s SEO practice that will help us in driving those ideal focused visitors to our website.
Off-Page Elements Matter the Most in SEO
When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, what happens ‘off’ your website is more important than what is ‘on’ it. Let’s see how:
- Your domain’s trust and authority play a significant role in determining how successful your SEO will be. Because if it works for the search engine, it will work for the audiences too.
- The amount of links to a particular page matters a lot in SEO. Therefore you must pay attention to your link growth as soon as your content has been published out there.
- The link label of external links also matters in SEO because that’s how Google determines all about your page as per other people and not just you.
Here Google wants to see if others are linking to your site and what they are using (link label) because that is a more trustworthy indicator of your website’s relevance. So now, this again comes down to the importance of creating compelling and useful content. But then again, no matter how great your content is, without adequate promotion, it will go undiscovered. For your content to rank on the SERPs, you need first to clarify what it is supposed to rank for.
So what can you do to make sure your content reaches other people so that they link to it? That’s the point where social media comes into play. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, blogging, and other news networks are platforms powered by none other than your audience (and their connections), where you can organically distribute your content effectively.
Although, before you move to the final steps, it is necessary to be sure that you are aware of the initial steps first. Meaning, in order to make your content rank and gain links via promotion, you first have to make ‘great’ content. For that, you must be thorough with the content development strategies that will lead you to success.
How is SEO Copy Important for Strong Search Rankings?
Let’s say you did everything right; you established a website that Google trusts, but if you do not tell Google that the content of your site matches what the users are looking for online, the benefit of targeted traffic will be lost. This is the exact situation that SEO copy helps us to avoid.
Although you do not have to optimize on-page direct, you will have to start keeping the ending in mind from a keyword point of view because of the importance of link labels when others link to you.
Now, what if you choose to neglect this SEO? Well, no doubt you will be able to acquire boatloads of non-targeted long-tail traffic, but how is that going to do you any kind of favor? Even if you have an advertising business model, irrelevant traffic will quickly bounce off your website resulting in unsatisfied and fed up advertisers who won’t ever renew. Moreover, if you are selling a product or service, you are just exhausting your bandwidth.
The best part about establishing a reader-focused online presence by publishing valuable content regularly is that you can perform exceptionally well, even if Google hates you. But the truth is if you are going down that road, Google is going to love you!
Leverage this opportunity. It is the last brick to building a comprehensive and effective marketing strategy that plays an important role in determining your overall success.
Role of Traffic Conversion
Now it’s time to move on to the most crucial point. Every website owner loves traffic. It is weirdly satisfying, compelling, and delighting in its own unique way.
However, traffic does not make you any money, but it is those leads among that traffic that takes the desired action and converts.
Now, a lot of people have this misconception that a search-optimized web page is an unattractive mess stuffed with keywords forcibly that makes the visitors want to run away as soon as they land on the page.
Well, thankfully, that is not true at all. At least when you do it the right way.
Also, fortunately, many people in the SEO industry ‘believe’ that Search Engine Optimization is nothing but an attempt to trick the search engines. But again, that isn’t true at all. All it means is creating a website that is friendly to search engines, helps them understand what your site is all about so that they can rank it in relevant search results.
So, by now, we hope we have made it quite clear why SEO copywriting still matters even today. It is that last piece of the puzzle that makes everything make sense and helps you get the best out of your SEO efforts. Therefore, get your content development and marketing strategy in place to top the SEO game.