Digital Marketing Knowledge

The Definitive Guide to Website Copywriting

Starting With the Blank Page

Every Copywriter knows that sinking feeling that comes when looking at a white blank page. They can’t help but wonder what next?

It becomes even more terrifying when it comes to a website, as there are multiple factors and objectives that need consideration. However, website copywriting is way easier than it sounds.

In this section, we are going to break down the whole process in three simple steps that will make you go from blank page to masterplan real quick.

Note: It works for every website and niche. Cool, isn’t it?

  1. Identifying your website’s most important objective

A website is nothing but a tool for a brand that is built and used for a particular purpose.

Now, all you need to do is find that purpose.

To find its answer, assess the type of your business and where your site lies in your customer journey.

  • For example, if your business offers some service, you’ll probably expect your site visitors to fill out some lead or contact form.
  • If your business offers some product and has a shorter buyer cycle, you are probably going for direct purchase.
  • If your business offers some product but has a longer buyer cycle, you may be prioritizing email signups to engage leads in a nurturing email process.

Whether it is one of these or any other potential objectives, you need to pinpoint a single objective for your site. You might have a few other secondary objectives, but you need to identify one primary objective; otherwise, you will weaken your website’s performance ability.

  1. Deciding how to use your website’s homepage

Every website owner’s goal is to get the visitors to go from arrival to action as soon as possible and in the most straightforward way. To accomplish this, we must keep down the total number of pages incorporated in the customer journey.

Option 1 – If your business offers only one product/service, then things are really easy for you. You can simply use your homepage as a loading page for your product/service. This leaves us with a golden opportunity for a one-click customer journey. Visitors can just land on your homepage and convert or take the desired action without having to visit any other pages on your site.

However, if you have numerous products/services, then things can get a little tricky. But, in case one of your products/services generates 70% or more of your total revenue, you should stick with the first option. Use your homepage as a landing page for that main product/service.

If your revenue is distributed into multiple products/services, then,

Option 2- If email signup is the primary objective of your website, you can utilize the “Upside Down Homepage” tactic to maximize email signups.

Option 3 – If the primary objective of your website is anything but email signups, then utilize your homepage as a “Brand Building” page.

We will be discussing these three options in detail in the next sections.

  1. Deciding the number of webpages you need

Your homepage and product/service page are the pages where all the transactions are going to take place. However, you still need some other pages too.

While we rarely run into a website where we think that “they should have _____ page,” we often come across websites which have more web pages than they honestly need.

“About Us” and “Contact Us” pages are a must-have for every website because of two reasons – first, the audience typically expects them to be present on a site. Secondly, they are a standard part of the audience-website engagement as they can find all the basic information about your brand here.

If you wish to add more pages apart from these, you need to ask yourself whether these additional pages will increase the probability that visitors will meet your website’s objective.

For instance, you might want to add a “Review” page on your website. Now, ask yourself, “Does requiring the visitors to click away from my product/service page to see the reviews will increase the chances of them meeting my website’s objective?” It might, or it might be even better to just include your reviews on your product/service page directly.

There is no definite right answer here. The only way to find out for sure is to wait till you have your customer data in your hands. For now, the aim should be minimizing the number of pages on your site and making your customer’s journey as smooth as possible.

By now, you must have got a clear idea of which pages you are going to include on your website. So, let’s proceed to the fun part – writing the website copy!

Essentials of Website Copywriting

A copy is an arrangement of words, created to encourage the desired action for a website. This process is called website copywriting.

Even for brilliant skilled writers, copywriting is a conscious form of writing that needs a lot of practice and learning. This is a skill set that seldom comes easy.

Here are the ten essential elements of great website copywriting.

  1. Start by identifying the objective of the copy always.

Before you pen down even a word of the copy, pinpoint the single goal of the page or section for which you are writing.

Think about what action you want the visitor to take after they read this copy?

Just like your site, any page, section, or even a column won’t be effective if you don’t know its objective in the first place.

  1. Lead with the main point always.

Along with a goal, every webpage has a main point. For example, the main point of a service page is the service value proposition, and for the about page, it might be to build authenticity or resonate with visitors around the brand’s mission.

You should lead with the main point always. According to studies, we have somewhere between 3-15 seconds to grab a visitor’s attention.

As soon as a visitor lands on any page of your website, they should be able to tell the point of the particular page within a moment or two, without having to scroll up and down.

  1. Every line’s goal should be to get the next line read.

Writing a copy is nothing like writing a blog. Every single line and the word needs to be purposeful.

The first and foremost purpose of any line of a copy should be to get the reader to continue reading the next line. If they do not continue reading, the message you want to convey does not matter. The points you want to put forward are irrelevant, let alone the action you want them to take next.

Writing a website copy should take you longer than writing a whole blog, especially if you have been practicing website copywriting for less than a decade or so.

For the majority of the people, being conscious of every word or sentence is not natural. However, do not get things overly complicated. Being purposeful is not a high bar in particular. It just means once you are done writing a paragraph, go through it, and ask yourself if this line moves the story forward and motivates the reader to continue reading the next line. If you don’t find it appealing enough, change it.

  1. The only thing that matters is your customer’s wants and needs.

Most non-copywriters focus on their brand, business, or product instead of their target audience i.e., prospective customers.

What you care about the most i.e., your business, does not matter to them at all. They don’t care about what lifestyle or income your business affords. They don’t care about what technology you developed and how it drives your business.

Like everybody else, they also care about themselves, their wants, and their needs. The only time your business is of interest to them is when it talks about meeting those wants and needs.

Therefore, your website copywriting should be made keeping this in mind. Every line should reflect this and be in context to those wants and needs. And if any part fails to address it, remove it right away.

  1. Write as if you are talking to a friend.

Pick out the work of any new copywriter and read it. Typically it would sound like a child pretending to be a businessperson. It is casually firm, formal, and loaded with meaningless idioms.

No idea why it is so, but it’s a normal phase that the majority of the copywriters need to work through.

A good website copy reads like a thoughtful person speaking to a friend with an informal and effortless tone. It gets to point smoothly without hurrying itself.

Once you prepare a section of the website copy, read it aloud and see if you cringe. Or else wait for a day and let someone else read it for you. If it appears like you are playing business, think of all the main points you want to spell out and then just assume that you are talking about those to a friend.

  1. Clarity is an important element of a copy.

Many marketers and copywriters love exaggerating persuasion and how magical a compelling copy is, but the truth is that clarity is the most important element of a good website copy.

The key to selling things is getting the audience in front of something they already need or desire. As a copywriter, your responsibility is to convey to those people that the particular product/service is an ideal match for their want or need.

Honestly, most of the time, a copywriter is needed only because when it comes to written communication, an average person is horrible at it. When left on their own, marketers and business owners will end up creating confusing, jumbled messages in a fallacious attempt to make a compelling copy.

This is where we, the copywriters, come into play. It is our job to replace this confusion with clarity by creating a clear and straightforward message.

So unless you are aiming at manipulating your audience using their greed or fears, stick to this side of the copywriting world, which does not hype persuasion. No doubt, persuasive writing tactics can be useful, but if you are working with an excellent product/service that the consumers love, you need clarity, not persuasion. All you need is a simple and clear message that tells the people why and how the product/service fits their wants or needs.

  1. Adding the what, why, where, who, and how in the copy

There are a few things that we must incorporate into our website copy, like:

  • What – what product/service are you offering?
  • Why – why should your offering matter to the audience?
  • Where – where are you offering it?
  • Who – who are you offering it to?
  • How – how does your offering work?

However, keep in mind that our customers’ wants and needs are what matters. Therefore make sure that all these things resonate with that.

  1. Include proof and take your writing from the proof

The proof is the real game-changer in website copywriting. Any company can say, “We’ll do this for you,” but if you back that up with data, statistics, reviews, case studies, testimonials, and examples, that’s how you can truly step up your game.

To make things even better, take your writing directly from the proof or include the proof in your writing whenever and wherever possible.

  1. Expect and address objections, substitutes, and sticking points.

This is a sales tactic and definitely one of the most potent persuasive writing tactics that you can use in your website copywriting.

In sales, whosoever objects first wins. If a customer says, “That’s all fine, but what about ____?” Even if you have a good response ready, any answer would seem meaningless and minimize the chances of a sale taking place.

Contrarily if the salesperson puts forward, “Now you may be thinking ______, and this is how we solved it.” This will become a great asset to push a sale.

Now, when we apply the same concept to copywriting, we have the advantage of a one-way conversation. Meaning all we have to do is address the objections, explain why/how we are better than the substitute, and understate the sticking points somewhere later in the copy.

This is another area where feedback plays a crucial role. Simply because we do not want to raise objections, substitutes, or sticking points that our customers are not even considering. Focus on covering the most common ones.

  1. Always be closing

This last essential is also another sales technique. Avoid over-pitching the sale.

You must close every available opportunity, and on a website, it means adding a CTA call-to-action button in your writing wherever new information is given.

This is to avoid an embarrassing situation where the reader is ready to take action but has to go looking for the button.

Writing the Homepage of Your Website

So as we discussed earlier, how you are going to use your website’s homepage, it’s time to dive into the details and discuss how to write a homepage!

Let’s have a look at our three options again-

  • If you are going to use your website’s homepage as a landing page for your main product/service, you can just scroll down to see how to write a service page.
  • If your aim is to gain more email signups, then you should create an Upside Down homepage.
  • If both the points mentioned above don’t suit your requirements, then you should use your homepage as a Brand Building page.

Creating the Upside Down Homepage

The Upside Down homepage is used only when gaining more email signups is your website’s topmost priority. Here the focus is to ask for the visitor’s email at the starting of the homepage instead of the end.

Let’s see how this works:

  1. The hero shot or the leading image that appears first when you arrive on the homepage includes an email signup form.
  2. Right below the hero shot, if possible, you can show some social proof.
  3. You can then narrate your brand story explaining a problem or challenge you faced that your readers are also facing today and how you resolved it. End your story by inviting them to signup with their emails in exchange for a resource you have made in order to help them overcome the same issue.
  4. Limit the number of options to 3-4 in your top menu. The lesser, the better.

And that’s it! You have your upside-down homepage ready. Pretty easy, isn’t it?

Creating the Brand Building Homepage

What do brands do when they have more than one product/service contributing to their total revenue? How do they use their homepage?

Well, if they are smart enough, they will utilize their homepage as an “all-in-one” page and allow the readers to navigate to different pages with more specific and detailed content about the particular product/service.

However, it is vital that businesses make the most out of their homepage space to make a good brand impression and talk about the unique value that their business presents.

That is all a brand-building homepage aims at – to sell the brand and redirect the visitors to the right pages on the site.

Typically, a brand-building homepage consists of five parts, including:

  • Brand Value Proposition
  • Compressed Brand Story
  • Social Proof
  • Redirecting your visitors
  • CTAs

However, you are not bound to these parts. In some cases, you might not need all of them, but you will, in most cases.

Let’s see how to create a brand-building homepage.

  1. Pen down your brand value proposition

As soon as people land on your brand building homepage, they should be able to figure out the point of your business.

Why does this brand exist?

If they cannot figure this out within a few seconds, then your copy is not effective.

The brand value proposition is not like writing a product/service value proposition. So, most probably, we won’t be writing about the benefits of solving issues, unless those describe your business as a whole and everything it has got to offer.

With a brand value proposition, we focus on the brand’s core identity, particularly as it relates to the target audience.

For example, let’s suppose you own a sports nutrition company. Now you need to build a brand value proposition around making people healthier. Now healthy people live longer, perform well, and live a happy life. And this is what they are seeking. So, your brand value proposition can be “Healthy People Live A Better Life.”

Now, this is an excellent copy that tells you what the brand does right away. However, even though it is compelling, it might be a bit vague if left all alone on its own. This is why we must quickly follow it with a subheader that defines what the business is all about in a little detail.

  1. Writing a compressed brand story.

While the goal of our brand value proposition is to grab the attention of the interested customers immediately, we must provide them with something once they decide to stick around to know more.

Now, this is where you need to hit them with a quick brand story. Not the long one that fits the whole About Us page but a shorter compressed version more like a touch-and-back brand story.

The easiest way to make a compressed brand story is by writing about a problem or challenge that your business was built to solve and how you did it.

Bear in mind, there is no one way to do this, and it’s not about you; instead, it is about the version of you that the audience cares about – what you do/offer that will most likely improve their lives or solve a problem they are facing.

  1. Showing social proof to your visitors

You can’t really exaggerate social proof when it comes to a brand-building homepage.

After all, the whole point of social proof is to show your audience that whatever you are saying about yourself isn’t just nonsense. The more and different types of social proof you have, the better bonus you have.

Featuring brands that you have already worked with can be very beneficial, especially if the visitors are able to recognize those brands quickly. This is the fastest and easiest way of establishing your brand’s credibility.

Likewise, testimonials and feedback that addresses the major concerns and expectations of your prospective future customers can be equally rewarding.

Displaying your reviews can also help in establishing your authenticity. You can either display the reviews or show the total review score, like most brands are doing nowadays.

Speaking of trends, brands are increasingly opting to show live social proof. It appears as a little popup on the page telling that ABC signed up or purchased or converted in some way or the other. These are incredibly powerful as it tells the visitors that people are actively engaging with your website.

There are tons of ways how you can display your social proof. But the only thing you need to decide is where you are going to place this social proof on your website. Ideally, you must place it somewhere where it will complement your message and contribute to influencing the visitor to take the desired action.

Incorporating at least one type of social proof right at the top of your website where your hero shot will help tell the visitor that this website is legitimate. For example, you can add 2-3 logos of the most prestigious brands you have worked with in the past. This does a great job of presenting you as an authentic, credible, and reliable entity.

Like we discussed earlier, there is no one way of placing your social proof. You need to figure out where it will be most useful.

  1. Redirecting the visitors to the right action pages

Since you are not utilizing your homepage to talk about your main product/service or for email signups, the chances are that your goal is to redirect them to one of those pages where they can take the desired action and fulfill your site’s objective.

At the end of the day, telling the visitors about your brand is nice and all, but that is not the reason why you created your website.

Of course, you would want them to take action, whether it is purchasing, signing up, or anything that generates revenue for your business.

Here, your homepage is serving as an all-in-one page. When a visitor arrives at your site, they get to know your brand and story, and then you want to navigate them away to the right product/service or action page.

The only question is, how many different pages do you want to direct your visitors to from your homepage?

Maybe two, three, ten?

First of all, what we know is it can be anything but one. If it was, then there’s no point in creating a whole brand building page just to navigate people to a single page. You could have used your homepage as a landing page for that purpose.

It’s up to you how many redirects you want on your homepage.

If you have multiple products or services that are equally contributing to your business’ total revenue, then you might want to have redirects for all of them. Or you might want to pick out your top 3,4,5 and add redirects for them while allowing visitors to navigate to others through your menu.

Again, that’s your call. There is no definite answer. You can choose whatever you feel would work best for your brand.

  1. Make sure to add enough CTAs.

A CTA (call-to-action) is a place on your page where you guide the visitors to take the desired action. It is just like closing a sale.

You might want to include CTAs wherever you think the visitor will be ready to take action and since it is pretty hard to tell where that will be, the best you can do is include it in every page or section where new information is presented.

For example, on your homepage, including a CTA within the hero shot and at the bottom of the page is advised. You can also include one right after your brand story if you want. Whatever you do – always include a CTA at the end of the page!

Now the real question arises – where should your CTA point to?

For businesses offering services, their goal is to get visitors to fill out a contact form. So, for the homepage, it would be best if you point your non-redirect CTAs to your Contact page directly. This lets people who are anxious to get started or coming back to your site hop straight to the desired action and contact you.

For businesses offering products, it depends on your goal. Do you want an immediate sale or to get visitors into your email nurturing process? Your main objective will determine where you should redirect them via CTA.

Writing the About Page of Your Website

When you are planning out your website journey, usually, you wouldn’t be hoping to take the visitors via your About page.

Neither it is a main part of the funnel, nor the visitors should feel the need to go to the About page if we are doing a good job on our landing page.

So, what purpose does the About page serve on the website?

In a nutshell, the About page is there because the audience expects it to be. It has become more like a necessity, and if you do not have it on your website, a large section of the audience is going to be held off just because they couldn’t find it there.

So, let’s not take any chances and proceed to see how we can write the about page.

  1. Analyze why visitors will click on your About page

Typically, there are three reasons why visitors click on a website’s About page:

  • Is this brand legitimate?
  • Do I resonate with the values, vision, mission, objectives, or background of this brand?
  • I don’t understand what this brand is about – should I visit the About page for more clarity?

Obviously, the last reason means that you have terribly messed it up on your previous page, which we don’t want ever. Never design your About page considering it as an alternative in case one of your pages fails to deliver its message.

So, accordingly, let’s focus on the first two reasons.

Whether you are a B2C or a B2B business, the chances are that your visitors would like to know if your brand is legitimate or not.

  • Does your brand have an experienced background and proven track record?
  • Have you worked with established and reputed brands earlier in your niche?
  • Has your brand won any remarkable awards or received any other kind of gestures that can separate you from the competitors?

For most types of businesses, another good reason why visitors would want to click on your About page is to find out if they resonate with your brand values, missions, visions, objectives, or background.

  • Does this brand care about what I care about?
  • Does this brand operate in a manner that I am willing to support?
  • Does the mission or vision of this brand delight me?

Once we figure out what the audience wants to see, all we need to do is show it to them.

  1. Give the audience what they want.

Preferably we want to try and achieve both goals – demonstrating our credibility and talking about our brand ethos. Simply, we will spend more time and give a thought on areas that we believe our visitors care the most about.

The best way to establish our credibility is to talk about our achievements and recognizable brands that you have worked with if any.

No doubt, leading with credibility is an excellent strategy, but you can also continue it later in your About page.

You can start off your page with mission, vision, and ethos and then follow it up with your brand story, which will contribute to establishing your credibility. It is an excellent strategy, and you can find it easily on a lot of popular sites.

To make sure your brand mission and ethos resonate with your visitors, all you need to do is be clear and have a real mission.

This is not that hard, and honestly, the only way you are failing at this is if you don’t have anything to say at all. You can just lay your cards on the table and be really straightforward.

Whatever you do, just don’t roughly copy cliches from other brand’s websites or write random stuff because you think people want to hear that. It is obvious and is the sure-shot way to totally screw up your About page.

  1. End the page with a CTA always.

Just like every other page on your site, wind up your About page with a CTA (call-to-action) too.

What action do you want your visitors to take when they arrive at your site? Well, you must know that by now, as we figured it out earlier.

Just because they decided to visit the About page doesn’t mean they wouldn’t want to take action. So invite them by adding a CTA at the end of the page. There’s no need to create a whole separate section for that purpose. Just make sure there is something to click and redirect them to an appropriate action page.

Writing the Service Page for Your Website

In this section, we will discuss how you can create a service page and, more than that, how you can use this page as a landing page for a single offer, whether that offer is for a product, service, membership, or anything else.

If your business has one main product/service, then you can build this page and then use it as the homepage on your website. However, if you have multiple services, then you will have to create multiple pages like this for each service.

For the majority of businesses offering services, their main website objective is to get the visitors to fill contact forms. So here we’ll be focusing on this goal. However, you can fit pretty much every goal into this page plan and be successful.

So let’s dive into the details.

  1. Start with a good service value proposition.

We will use the same formula we used for the brand value proposition earlier. Except for talking about our brand value, we will focus on the specific service that you are going to offer on that particular page.

When writing the service value proposition, there are three things that we must clarify:

  • Define the offer clearly
  • Specify who the offer is for
  • Differentiate the service value

Now the first one is crucial, and how well we can carry out the second and third one will depend on our service, target audience, and resources.

It’s not necessary to cover the whole elevator speech above the fold, but you should get the basics right and at least clarify the offer.

  1. Explain “what” benefits you provide or problems you solve

Once you have summed up the value and offer, it’s time to dive deeper and explain the value in depth.

Typically, there are two ways to do this:

  • Dive straight into the problem or challenge and how you solve it
  • Dive right into the benefits of the offer

What you choose will depend on your service, audience, and customer feedback.

Some services focus on removing remarkable customer pain points. The problem/challenge is of greatest concern when the consumer is looking for a solution, and solving that particular problem is the motivating factor for purchasing.

In such instances, we need to focus on the problem and how we solve it.

However, what if the problem is not as big?

For some businesses, their services are less about eliminating a pain point and more about offering an improvised solution with better benefits.

In such instances, you can dive straight into the benefits of your offer.

  1. Explain “how” you provide the benefits or solve the problem

This is a crucial step and also the one which most service businesses exclude. Just stating what problem you solve isn’t enough; you need to explain how exactly you solve it.

For example, let’s say you have a Health and Fitness Training business, and you are telling prospective customers that being healthier will help them live a better life.

True! Great, but how?

How does this work? What are the steps? How are you going to help them? What will it look like working with your brand?

Don’t just tell the visitors that “Hey, I’m going to help you become healthier and live a better life.” Break down the whole experience of working with you stepwise so the interested customers would know exactly what they need to do.

If you are following up on your service value proposition with a problem and solution, you might want to add a separate “How we do it” section.

Similarly, if you are going with the benefits option, don’t just explain the benefits. Instead, describe how everything works and how the customer can achieve each benefit.

  1. Give as much proof as possible.

Many people think that copywriting is some kind of rocket science or compelling witchcraft. They land on sales pages, feel the urge to purchase, and get wowed.

However, there’s a little secret that you might want to know. Copywriting is pretty simple and plays a much smaller role in compelling moments as such than the audience might think.

The real power lies in the product-market fit and proof.

If you are offering a service that solves a prominent and annoying problem or delivers beneficial results, then you are one-third through there.

The next third you require is a pile of proof, whether it is social proof, data, or even better, both. It can include statistics, testimonials (video or written), news highlights, podcast interviews, media spotlights, case studies, etc.

This is where the magic happens!

The more proof you present, the better.

The final third you need is copywriting. It is an adhesive that joins it all together and makes everything work, so of course, you need a great copy. However, keep in mind, a copy only unleashes the true potential of all the elements you are playing with.

So, whether you have a heap of proof or just a little stock, make sure you use it all as they will be of great help on your service page. And then, make all the effort in the world to keep adding more.

  1. Push visitors toward taking action at every opportunity

As discussed earlier, you should try including call-to-action everywhere on your page where the visitor might be mentally ready to take action.

You can place it on a fixed header, so the CTA remains visible to the reader as they scroll down, or you can place it at the conclusion section. Or you can add it in between sections like a small bar with a CTA button.

Just remember that we never want to make it difficult for the visitors to take action. The moment they decide to contact us, they should be able to find an appropriate CTA button right away.

Writing the Product Page of Your Website

When it comes to copywriting for a product page, most people refer to an e-commerce product page like the ones we see on Amazon.

In this section, that is exactly the type of product page we will be covering.

So if you have multiple products that contribute equally to your business’ revenue, then this is the type of product page you need to create.

An ideal product page should have these components:

  • Product images
  • Product details
  • “Add To Cart” button
  • Product description
  • Product or brand story
  • Product suggestion section
  • Reviews section
  1. Product Images

Although this has nothing to do with copywriting, this is one of the most crucial components of a product page.

Include various high-resolution images showcasing the product from multiple angles and its interesting features. If the images are of poor quality, the visitors won’t even bother reading your copy.

  1. Product Details

It includes more technical writing than copywriting. Include all the key information and do not leave out anything, especially anything that visitors will be actively searching for.

The best way to ensure that you are covering all key details is to research your competitors and see what information they are including in their product details. Prepare a list and include all of them in yours as well.

  1. “Add to Cart” button

Well, there is not much to do in this. Just make sure your button copy is really, really clear.

Some websites, in an attempt to look cute, end up making things confusing. So, if you are going for anything other than “Add to Cart,” make sure it clearly states that it is the purchase button.

  1. Product Description

This is your first opportunity to impress the visitors with your copywriting and inspire a purchase.

Just like our Service page, here also we will talk about the problem our product solves or its unique features, or the benefits it provides.

The best way to write a product description is to start with the features of the particular product and then follow it up with its benefits. Try using a more flexible format. Navigate the visitors smoothly through the product’s creation process, highlight its features, and lastly, its corresponding benefits.

However, for products that solve a particular problem, using a short narrative is the best. A good product page covers every possible thing that a visitor might want to see without having to scroll here and there. Therefore, try and keep the product description as brief as possible, but do not just stuff things uselessly.

  1. Product or Brand story

Once the visitor scrolls past the product description, for the first time, we have the opportunity to dive deeper into the product/brand story or the story you hit in the product description.

In case your product does not have any interesting story, then you can always go with your brand story, telling the visitors why your brand was built and what makes it truly unique. The visitors can then conclude themselves that the positives of the brand will transfer to its products too.

Brainstorm ideas and find ways how you can make your brand and products stand out from the ordinary. The amount of time and effort you invest in telling your visitors your product or brand story in innovative ways will speak volumes about how seriously you take your products. It shows.

  1. Products Suggestion section

Well, this is something that Amazon brought into the trend, and thank god they did! While they use this section under the title “Customers who viewed this also viewed,” some brands are using this section as “You Might Also Like.” Whatever the title be, suggesting additional, alternative, or complementary products has become a necessary inclusion in the product pages today.

Again there is not much writing needed here, but whether you choose to do it yourself or use one of the many applications available in the market to do it for you, adding these suggestions is essential.

  1. Reviews section

Reviews act as social proof on a product page.

You should try and get as many reviews as you can and remember, the more descriptive they are, the more beneficial it is for you. Customers are becoming increasingly aware of fake reviews. This is why they are going to neglect most of the short 5-star reviews. This section plays a critical role on your product page, and therefore, excluding this would mean losing out.

Writing the Contact Page of Your Website

So, last but definitely not least is our website’s contact page.

Perhaps this is the simplest page on a website, and there is a genuine reason behind that. If a visitor decides to click on your Contact page, they are ready (or nearly ready) to get in touch with you.

Typically, there are two goals of contact pages for businesses:

  1. You want more leads than what you are getting at the moment, and so the goal of your contact page is to get out of the way and allow the visitors to reach out to you right away.
  2. You are currently getting more leads than you can handle, so your contact page aims at filtering and prequalifying leads so you can start engaging with qualified leads and to save you time in the sales process.

So, keeping these goals in mind, let’s see what your contact page would look like in each of them:

  1. Need More Leads

This is the goal of 90% of businesses and making a contact page for this goal is pretty simple and straightforward.

We need to do these:

  • Facilitate minimum scrolling by keeping everything above the fold.
  • Adding a brief piece of content inviting the visitors to contact you.
  • Providing as many options as possible to contact you, such as form, email, call, text, etc.
  • Include a touch of social proof to give the ‘last push.’

That’s all we need to do to get out of the way and allow visitors to get in touch with us right away.

  1. Already Have Too Many Leads

In some cases, you don’t need more leads. You are already getting more leads than you can possibly handle. You end up spending so much time processing leads that you won’t even be able to close.

Now, this is a huge problem. Maybe the remaining 10% of businesses are dealing with it, but for them, this is a big issue.

So, if you are one of these businesses, then obviously, the objectives of your contact page will be a bit different. They will include:

  • Confirming your authority in the eyes of your top quality leads.
  • Prequalifying good leads and filtering out the bad ones.
  • Starting the engaging process for the good leads.

Your aim is to filter leads, not maximize them. But that doesn’t mean you have to overcomplicate things. Keep it simple, and you will be all set to go.


By the end of this guide, you will be able to learn how to plan out an incredibly effective website, write a compelling copy from scratch, and acquire more leads, subscribers, and sales. This step-by-step guide includes more steps than what a professional and experienced copywriter considers while writing a website copy. So, of course, you will have an added advantage of implementing this guide.