Agencies often come across situations where it appears like digital marketing is not influencing their client’s business directly or simply their bottom line in particular. When this happens, the first idea that pops up in their minds is to change the complete strategy or perhaps hunt through LinkedIn to find a digital marketing sorcerer with […]
Category: Digital Marketing
All of us are familiar with the importance of building a robust content strategy and how it can exponentially grow our website when done right. However, in the world of content marketing, there are also multitudes of misconceptions. At some point or the other, you must have received the advice that each content on your […]
If you aren’t utilizing evergreen content on your website, the chances are that you are missing out on invaluable organic traffic from search engines. It is a well-known fact that content is one of the top-ranking factors of Google, and it is indeed a crucial part of your SEO strategy. However, when it comes to […]
With the technology advancing continuously and our unbreakable bond with it, marketing has had to withstand and keep up with the progressions, especially over the last three decades. From the Sales Era witnessing the invention of the telephone, briskly followed by the emergence of TV and Marketing Department Era to the Marketing Company Era witnessing […]
The term “Buyer Persona” comes up within almost every marketing course, blog posts, and other informative materials. A lot of businesses might presume that everyone else already knows about it, has one, and is utilizing it. Even existing companies have to redefine the profile of their customers every so often, let alone the newbies who […]
Starting With the Blank Page Every Copywriter knows that sinking feeling that comes when looking at a white blank page. They can’t help but wonder what next? It becomes even more terrifying when it comes to a website, as there are multiple factors and objectives that need consideration. However, website copywriting is way easier than […]
“Am I yielding profit?” – a question that every PPC manager has to answer and a question that most of them struggle to answer. PPC marketers are not essentially statistics marvels or mathematically aligned by nature, and there can be multiple determinants affecting the overall profitability. Although understanding Google Ads and its auction process is […]
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, customers have adjusted to the increasing environmental, economic, and political landscape changes. Like Google summarizes in its Covid-19 Ads Playbook; currently, we are seeing three major changes: Shock change – A sudden change in customer behavior that is not likely to sustain over time (such as an increase […]
Everything has changed since the prehistoric era, but what remained constant is the initial drivers that inspire people to take action. PPC professionals often find themselves searching for what appeals the most to their target audience. However, it turns out that the answer was right here, in our behavioral history. Let’s explore the psychology of […]
With the pandemic still affecting the businesses all over the world, as a business owner, no matter what industry you are in, you must also be experiencing the changing waves, financial situations, or the impacts of the crashing market. No doubt since we all haven’t met these circumstances before, this all can be a little […]